

如顧客有以下情況,請預早致電3188 5638/ WhatsApp 9696 8949客戶服務專員為您修改預約至14天後:

1. 過去14天曾有離港出境紀錄;

2. 過去14天曾與新冠肺炎確診者接觸;

3. 過去14天曾與進行家居隔離者接觸;

4. 如過去14天曾有身體不適,例如發燒、咳嗽、乏力、頭痛、痰、呼吸困難、腹瀉等症狀,請盡快就醫。


【BEAUSKIN Notice About COVID-19】

To protect customers’ health, you are advised to wear a mask within our center’s area.

Please call us at 3188 5638 or WhatsApp our Customer Relations Specialist at 9696 8949 to reschedule your treatment appointment if you have any record listed below.

1. Have traveled abroad or depart from Hong Kong in the past 14 days;

2. Have contacted with the person who tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 14 days;

3. Have contacted with the person who should stay at home for quarantine in the past 14 days;

4. Please consult your doctor if you’re not feeling well or having the symptoms in the past 14 days, including fever, cough, fatigue, headache, phlegm, dyspnea, diarrhea etc.

BEAUSKIN wish you the best of Health☀